The Alpha, the Feminine, and Relationships
guys finish last” …so do nice girls. It’s the ebb and flow of energy, or in
this case, lack thereof. When someone is too passive, too agreeable, or too
sweet all of the time, the frequency of that energy will do one of two things:
It will connect with its opposite in the other person, creating a type of
dominance, or it will reflect a similar energy from the other person and create
stillness. All energy needs to have ebb and flow. Without its counterpart,
things get off balance. One will most likely get bored or annoyed with always
having to balance out the “too” much of anything. It is important that we learn
a balance within our own personality. Now that doesn’t imply being mean, but we
must be strong enough to put up boundaries and have opinions. Some people will
say they don’t like a person who can’t make decisions. Passiveness is a sign of
weakness, and then the strength of the polar side, will eventually dominate. This
creates a disconnect between the two people.
does not just refer to male. It is the dominant behavior side of all humans,
male or female. The issue can most likely be that the man is too much in his Alpha,
or the woman is too much in her Alpha which is our survival mode. Eventually
they will clash if they are both predominantly active. The feminine side, which
both sexes have, is more of the nurturing side. If the nurturing side is more
dominant in either sex, then the other will get bored and “walk all over” the
other partner but not in a conscious or intentional way. That is just how
energy responds. If there is no balance of nurture mode and survival mode, then
the default mode will usually take over. By default, I mean the subconscious
programming that runs our lives. If we are not conscientious of it, then one
will dominant and leave our partner feeling disconnected by design.
I always
state that everything is energy and that is not my opinion, but a scientific
fact. When we understand energies and the signals they emit, then we can take
more responsibility of our behaviors and actions and understand how they will bounce
off our partner. Without this realization conflict is most likely to arise, or
even worse, a huge disconnect. Conflict is not always bad when both parties are
aware of how to communicate with non-violence, and then resolution can occur
within such conflict. If we choose to operate from one side more dominantly,
there will be a disconnect of some sort. Eventually the two sides will burn out,
so is it important for all humans to honor both of their masculine and feminine
sides. This is also true in all relationships including friendships and
professional environment.
feminine movement has actually done a disservice to society. I may get a lot of
press back for that statement, but I’m not going for popularity in my writings,
I write for the truth and proven studied facts. If people don’t understand their
energy fields and the types of frequencies that they give off, then they most
likely will continue to have unsatisfactory relationships. Everything needs a
balance, and ebb and flow. If we hold on too tightly to our trauma response
behavior (as most Alpha behavior is trauma response) then will we perpetuate
trauma within our relationships, and within our lives. There is a place for
masculinity and femininity from both parties in a relationship regardless of
their sex.
in abusive relationships, the person being abused will send off an energy of
vulnerability to the person doing the abuse who will unintentionally pick up
the frequency of the signal, and that’s why those two become joined. With
narcissistic partners, they too will usually be with someone more passive and
less likely to stand their ground. Otherwise, the narcissist or dominant
partner will find someone else to latch their energy towards. This is a
polarity concept; this is not a personality trait union. All energy and
thoughts send out signals and we act as receptors to those messages, again
unconsciously. That’s why it is
important to be conscientious of the energy that is being emitted from our behavior.
This is not only active behavior, but also thoughts in the mind. “Tough guys or
girls” are usually extremely insecure and use that behavior to hide their pain
and vulnerability on the inside. That is why they attract vulnerable partners
that may not be so aggressive. The energies are the same even though the
behaviors are different. You will rarely see a confident man or woman with an
insecure person. It turns them off. The frequency of the signals does not match
and will repel. That is why they say there is someone for everyone.
We energetically
chose our relationships based off our behavior towards ourselves, not the other
person. That is why in most abusive relationships, the abused person will most
always say “but I do everything for them. I don’t do anything wrong. I do
everything they ask me to and it’s still not good enough.” But what they fail
to realize is that they are not valuing themselves at all. We get what we are
and if we are not honoring ourselves, no one else will. When people can grasp
this energetic concept, they will be able to find a balance within their
energies and be able to read people and know when it’s time to step into their
masculine, or into their feminine. People who are disconnected from themselves
will usually not have the ability to know when to adjust, as their receptors
are not connected. We have to be connected to both sides of our energetic
makeup, masculine and feminine, to be able to connect with people more
genuinely. We have to understand the difference of these two and what they mean
and know when we are in one or the other. Otherwise, it’s just the subconscious
programming running the show, and that most likely is not for our highest good.
It will always be in the alpha survival mode, as that is the mode of the
subconscious programming, The feminine gets ignored, and we feel alone.
Is it
possible to be an Alpha dominant female or male who knows when to step into
their nurturing side and have the balance to create a stable relationship? Yes.
It is also possible to be a non-Alpha dominant female or male, which would be
operating more from the feminine side, and still be aware of when to step into
their Alpha survival mode in a healthy and productive way. Default Alpha or feminine
mode is usually not supportive or effective. And by default, I mean the subconscious
programming that will take over. One needs to find the balance and awareness of
when to be what in order to maintain healthy relationships both personally and
professionally. This goes beyond communication and ability to communicate; this
is about the energy surrounding the feelings about the situation or
relationship. What we say is not always in alignment of what we think, and that
will create another disconnect. If we are in conflict with ourselves, how can
we genuinely connect with anyone else?
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