Self-Healing IS Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing is something we
access when we understand how our mind and body work. In the quantum world,
there are limitless possibilities. Every and anything exists. Our minds are the
most powerful creators of existence. Nothing is true or real unless we make it
so. We have the power to fully create our world including jobs, health,
friendships, partnerships, and where we live. Our mind will keep us exactly where
it believes.
In sickness and dis-ease, our mind
will put our body in a state that matches those vibrations. When we stress, we
create dis-ease in the body. When we smile and laugh, we create healing in the
body. The body can only respond to one thing at a time. Is it being healed or
harmed by the mind? Our body can only do one of them at a time, be healed, or
be harmed. Which will you choose?
In the Quantum World, we can access
the future and create our destiny. Every thought has a frequency and gets sent
out into the universe and a situation will magnetize towards you that matches
that frequency. The same goes for healing. When we envision ourselves to be
healthy and fill our hearts with love and joy, the body will heal from those high vibrations. Gratitude is the highest vibration there is. So, when we have
gratitude for our health, or for our job, then the universe will bring more
things for us to be grateful for.
When we are babies we are all born
with a clean slate with the exception of perhaps, drug-addicted babies or other
mishaps from the womb or childbirth. However, our values, morals, and beliefs
are all given to us. Did you know that we have no ability to rationalize or analyze
things until after the age of seven? Our brains progressively develop as we grow
and are not fully developed until the age of 24. Up until age seven, we are in what
is called Theta brainwaves. Theta is a hypnotic state that is used for hypnosis,
meditation, and brainwashing. We are literally being brainwashed in our first seven years of life. The brain can not distinguish right from wrong, or good from bad,
all we know at that age is frequency. The experience can be “bad” but we don’t
have the Beta brainwaves yet to break down a situation and rationalize the why
of the “bad” or “wrong”. So, at that age, it just is.
All of our experiences set what is
called brain mapping, or patterning. Then they develop the subconscious mind
and programming that will continue to run the show until we mindfully reprogram
it. All of our relationships, friendships, jobs, finances, and experiences will
be drawn to us based off of the programming that was done to us as a child. Sounds
kinda crazy. Huh? Well, it is and most people don’t understand the abilities
they have to recreate their own reality in the Quantum World. Any and all are
accessible and we will literally become whatever we believe. That is also how
sickness and dis-ease is created. Not just through eating and lifestyle habits,
but mostly from the way we think about ourselves. And the way we think about
ourselves is a story that was given to us during our first seven years of life by someone
else, including our environment. Our earlier experiences become our reality and
we will continue to draw more experiences that match the frequency of those. It’s
time for change.
So, wanna tap into the Quantum
World? Well, first you have to tap out of your programming. You must change your
ways of thinking, being, and doing. Nothing changes unless we do. That’s why all
possibilities are accessible. Whatever we believe, we can create. People always
like to play devil's advocate with me on this, but those are the very people who
do not understand how the Quantum World operates. Because once you do and
understand how to tap in, you will believe it as the proof will reveal itself.
The most important thing is to create a new story and a new way of everything. It is not easy and it takes some time. Most people have decades and decades of programming, so it will not change overnight. It takes consistency and knowledge. How do we learn things as a child? We repeat them. We learn the alphabet, colors, names of things, and how to ride a bike by repeating them over and over. That concept remains the same in creating our dream life. Live it. Think it. Over and over and over again until the brain doesn’t know anything else. Tapping into the Quantum World IS magical. If you don’t believe me, then you haven’t done it yet.
Happy Healing! ✨🌟✨
Gia Rose
To reach out for help or questions, please fill out my
contact form on my website:
Youtube Channels: Frequency Fun, Sam & Gram
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