Karma, Empaths, and Suffering

        Many empaths find it difficult to be in the world as we take on everyone’s feelings and experiences. It causes great sadness and suffering. We have a hard time understanding how things are, and why people choose to do certain things. We have a hard time watching people suffer and be depressed as most of us know there is another way. But ironically, we don’t choose that way. We call ourselves empaths and use that as an excuse to take on other’s suffering. We don’t even realize that our own identity of empath is what causes the suffering.

        I had a profound discovery during one of my recent meditations. Being vegan, I have a really hard time watching animals suffer. I only shared my vegan life style choice because for me, I found it to be a duty to save animals in any way that I can. I live in Mexico and there are other conditions besides factory farming that occur here. A lot of people have animals as pets and they don’t care for them. I have a neighbor who got a puppy and leaves it outside and doesn’t care for it. So naturally, I took on the role to do so, as I mentioned, I felt it was my duty. Then I realized it was creating all this suffering for me. I started to become angry about how unfair it was that I now have to care for this animal, or I am a bad person for allowing the neglect. That became toxic to my soul. So, I had to find a way to change my perception. At first, I said; “It’s a puppy, it doesn’t know any better. That is her life.” Then I said, “there are plenty of other animals around like roosters and chickens that she can be friends with.” But, that still wasn’t sitting well with me when my reality was still; “This dog is being neglected.” So, this is when the profound moment happened.

        I was meditating, asking myself how I can detach myself from the reality that I created in my mind through my perception and past beliefs of how things should be and how animals should be treated. I study a lot of Buddhism and now am currently studying with Toltecs in Mexico. They both talk a lot about cycles of life, karma, and suffering. Then it hit me. If animals have souls, then all souls incarnate to where they need to go for a lesson their soul still needs. I starting thinking, “What if the puppy was a bad person in a past life that was full of greed and gluttony and didn’t care about other people at all?” That’s when it hit me, and I was able to find peace. I was able to allow whatever is, to be. I say that a lot, but realized I was not living it. Buddha says, “when our thoughts, actions, and beliefs are all in alignment, that is true happiness.” I wasn’t acting within my beliefs that everything just is, and is perfect for the moment of what it needs to be for the karma of a person. Well, it doesn’t make any difference for animals. If I value animals and their soul as much as I do any sentient being, then my beliefs were not being practiced with animals. I unconsciously made an exception for animals within my beliefs that everything just is, and is what it is meant to be. When I no longer saw the puppy as a helpless animal that deserves love and affection and just another soul incarnated at this time, I was able to release my attachment to the outcome. What was even crazier, was shortly after when I opened my door, the puppy was no longer needy and jumping all over me, it was fully content and relaxed. My perception of her life changed, therefor the energy that I was projecting outward changed, therefor the situation changed. It was amazing and I now can be at peace with it.

        The reason I shared that story is to give a specific example about accepting other’s karma. I don’t know what kind of soul that puppy was in a past life. Neither does she. However, the soul knows and will remember the experience of their life, when the physical form leaves this plane. It will remember that neglect and hardship was not fun and maybe won’t do that again in their next life. That is how karma works. It’s not just the karma we reap when we are here in existence, but the karma of the soul the requires all kinds of experiences in order for the soul to evolve. That is what Buddhism has taught me, but I didn’t really get it until I was suffering from my attachment to how things “should be” and how unfair it all seemed. I don’t believe in playing God, and I didn’t even realize that my attachment to how something should be, though I felt it was in the best interest of the animal, WAS playing God. We cannot change the course of another soul’s karma or it will cause us great suffering to try. That of course includes people. The misuse of the concept of empath has been causing much unnecessary suffering.

        That particular experience was true liberation of my excuse of being vegan, or an empath and “therefore I should”. No. The only thing I realized I needed to do was find a way to live within my beliefs of no attachments, as attachments create suffering. The only thing I knowingly can do, is not contribute to the animal soul’s karma by being part of their soul’s lesson in suffering. At least now, my choice to be vegan comes from a true place of morale, and understanding we are all connected and I will not contribute to any suffering. Can we prevent suffering? No. Not for another being. Can we refrain from partaking in it? Yes.

        True liberation comes when we don’t feel the need to save everyone, or understand everything. I took away my responsibility to others as I realize the only responsibility I have, is to my own soul. As soon as we all realize this, we will be a lot happier and free from suffering. Karma is something that we can only attempt to control within our actions in this lifetime as we know it. But, the bigger existence of karma is something that our soul contracted out before in reincarnated. We come here as humans disconnected from our true selves, as we allow ego to run the show. We will not understand our Karma until we free ourselves from expectations and attachments to things and outcomes. That is absolute freedom.

Happy Healing! ✨🌟✨

Gia Rose

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OR Email: Rise@GiovannaRose.com
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