Common Science...Common Sense

UPDATE September 16, 2022: This was written over 10 years ago, and although my writing style and approach has softened a bit, my beliefs still stand hard and strong. It's time to come together...
"Together We Rise". 

        I’ve heard things like: “All children are born innocent, it’s their environment that make them who they are,” or “You are a product of your environment”….why do these statements become valid arguments?...because they are true!!! A baby that is born no matter what climate or country… (unless the mother was using substances, or malnourished ) are ALL EQUALLY CAPABLE of learning, feeling, processing, and living in ANY and in ALL environments. I think what we have “lost” in our human society is the FACT that we are ALL made up of the SAME biological and genetic make up and only a billionth of any strand differs from one gene to another….that’s not very common, which means we are ALL…genetically the same. It’s only our ENVIRONMENT that separates us from each other and who/what is to blame for that???? Um…what we are TOLD!!!

        I live near Camp Pendelton, and I have met a LOT of servicemen who have gone overseas and seen things that we can not imagine. It was during these past holidays, and I will never forget the tantalizing conversation about a video (which I saw) that was taken in Afghanistan. There were unspeakable things being done that I would write about but I don’t want my friends to get in trouble. The ONLY reason WHY these people in Afghanistan were doing the unspeakable things, is because THEY DON’T KNOW ANY BETTER!!! THEY WERE NOT TAUGHT!!! And WHO is responsible for that?…NOT them, not their country..! And I’m not just speaking of them nor defending anyone…I’m just saying…Hold on:…Who controls who is educated and what they learn??? Economy!? The right to own books and literature? It’s not like information doesn’t exist!!!! WHO “controls” who gets it??? …So they have been doomed from the start???…”NO SOUP FOR YOU!” (sorry, just flowed out; "Seinfeld" ref, but not literal) :) ...but you die because you don’t even know what soup is! It is COMMON SENSE that you can NOT know what doesn’t exist! If you are born blind, you can not explain to a blind person what the color red looks like. If you are born in a country with NO access to resources of civilization and humanity…HOW DO YOU LEARN THEM OR KNOW WHAT EXISTS???

        At least “THEY” have an excuse of “not knowing”….what’s OUR excuse??? We have one of the highest educational systems AND access to almost all international information including history on ANY and ALL countries…(that is,,, what was chosen to be printed and TOLD to us)  and yet we STILL choose to judge, scorn, and take a place of high rank,,,that we SO do NOT deserve. The ego of this nation and evolution from all of history and how it’s been “taught” to us, has destroyed ALL of humanity and ANY possible ramification of it rejuvenating into a species that FEELS with a SOUL….and it is completely lost somewhere in this present day society.

        The recent Jan 12th video of Marines pissing on dead Afghanis, and the Department of Defense saying: “It’s hideous, it turned my stomach” …makes me say; “REALLY? You train and bought these men (mostly boys at start) to be “desensitized” and then scorn them for their behavior so you can look good on T.V or in the press???”...It is SICKENING what this country and the media has brainwashed people, civilians, soldiers (teenage boys/girls) and politicians to do and believe, for what??? You wanna be top dog? You wanna make everyone else look bad so everyone can say we are the best so they will come live here and you can rob them blind?…well job well done! Let’s keep judging innocent children being born into cultures by no choice of THEIRS and it is the choice of OTHERS like U.S to keep them ignorant so we can sleep well with our “excuse” to destroy lives for no reason…or reasons that we didn’t do anything to help prevent…given that we are “so rich” and there is NO doubt that we can and could help others…we just stay richer not doing so.

        If ANYONE reading this wants to tell me I’m crazy and to go F off, or that I am not “patriotic”…or whatever… I am NOT for a NATION…I am for a RACE…the race of HUMANS…which means we ALL should love and respect the species that we are ALL GENETICALLY made of, which is the EXACT same things as our neighbors…but thanks to our brains that can be washed…we don’t understand that at all, and most people don’t even understand the strands of genes or science…WHY? Because it’s more important to teach us the LEARNED SOCIALOGICAL differences, than the EXACT SAME SCIENTIFIC BIOLOGICAL make up…Because, we fight and we kill…and for what??? ALL humans want to live and be loved…just let that be!!! Peace on Earth…where do you think THAT came from???  Ummmm……MAJORITY?…HUMANS and HUMAN NATURE! And last defense to your next possible retaliation comment of; “That’s just not realistic”…Exactly!…thanks to WHAT/WHOM? ...Biologically, it's ALL there.

If you care to wonder and be INFORMED like these two videos:

Update: There are hundreds and hundreds of more videos that are trying to tell us the real truth. Turn off the telly and chose your programming. 

Happy Healing! ✨🌟✨

Gia Rose

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Youtube Channels: Frequency FunSam & Gram


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