UPDATE September 16, 2022: I wrote this over 10 years ago. Seem things are still the same. It's time to come together..."Together We Rise".
I don’t understand why the stupid people are so angry at The Occupiers. Oh wait, that’s right…they’re stupid. They are continuing to believe what is being portrayed by the media, that these “jobless losers” have nothing better to do. HELLO…we are here to SAVE YOU! You are “dividing” the people up by siding with your enemy, by CHOOSING to believe what “they” are telling you instead of the THOUSANDS of videos and articles that say otherwise. And I’m not just speaking about “Anonymous” or “Occupiers”, I am speaking of people like JFK, and others that have been “permanently silenced” for trying to CLUE YOU IN! If you think government, order, and laws are SO important and should be respected, let’s start with the one’s that our country was supposedly founded upon. The FIRST AMENDMENT: “Protects the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, as well as the right to assemble and petition the government”
Ok, we have NO freedom of religion; before they drew up this "right", they conveniently persecuted others for their beliefs. It has been dictated to us from the very start of the printing of our dollar, what we “should” believe in….We have no freedom of speech OR the press! It was JUST announced "The Internet Censorship Bill" has been launched. (They are claiming that it's to protect copyrighted material, but a few words later, they report that it may be possible to give this bill the right to shut down YouTube). Yes, they are trying to censor our ONLY means of trying to educate the masses. We have no more right to assemble…uh hello, Occupy and protest what? Oh wait, we can’t because J.P Morgan Chase bought NYPD….public record, yes 4.6 million dollar donation to put more cops on the streets to silence protesters. And lastly, petition the government, (by definition: which specifically prohibits Congress from abridging "the right of the people...to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.") HAhaHAhaHAha! THAT’S the funniest one yet!!! Aren't we TRYING to do that now??? Oh wait, but what’s the need when you all still believe that "they" are for "US"…?
They are not for US and they are not for The U.S…They are for THEM! This is a NEW country founded on a VERY specific purpose. READ quotes from Thomas Jefferson and George Washington PREDICTING ALL OF THIS! Here is one from Thomas Jefferson from a letter he wrote in 1816. " And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." the whole letter can be found at: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/mtj:@field(DOCID+@lit(tj110172))..........This “new country”, “land of the ‘free’, land of ‘opportunity’ was their FIRST brilliant “media” stunt. They had us all fooled starting a little over 200 years ago when they “founded” our great land and used it as an import grounds for their master plan that they have so carefully executed. FOUNDED?...it was HERE, with NATIVE "Americans" and they came and persecuted Shamans in 1692 for believing in science, and it only took them till 1776 to "contract" it out in writing after they massacred people just living, farming, trading, and breathing. And, our Marine Corps was founded in 1775, before our "contract" was drawn up....hmmmm.
Yes…come to “America” "NEW land" for opportunity where there is no dictatorship and you can actually “vote for” and “choose” your ruler. AFTER we pick which puppet we will control, and if they fight against us or try to let the people know what we are really up to, then we will kill them…Oh and let's start with this enticing, brilliant Constitution to let our citizens know what they can expect from our awesome country of FREEDOM, until WE decide that it's actually working AGAINST us, and then with all our power again, we can change it and they have no choice. I mean we are far better than most countries (because their tyrant civilizations have fallen and the people have fought back...OVER time!) so they'll think this is still better. They'll just deal with it. We'll have them nice and convinced by then, and they should be in enough fear with all the war we've created around the world to make more money and create more power, so they'll just stay here, and continue to buy into our plan, even AFTER we change their "Constitutional" Rights and the WHOLE purpose of being an American...I mean, we've proven our intent, we provided for many and gave them opportunity, and now we're gonna take it ALL away and they can't say anything or do anything about it, because our government is the best, and they have already surrendered to us...
HELLO PEOPLE ?...235 years is NOT a long time for a "society" when humans have been around for THOUSANDS! Obviously, history, and "other" societies and civilizations have proven not to work over time, which is what America postered themselves to being against, and WHERE DO YOU THINK WE ARE NOW IN HISTORY...? Their "system" has PROVEN to NOT work, and the "people" are fighting back. We are HUMANS, a species. It is in our INNATE RIGHT to LIVE...live freely on Mother Earth provided to us. Whether you believe in science or some imaginary person who poofed it, IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS! Does there need to be SOME kind of "law and order?" Yes, it's called humanity, and they stripped that from us because of the need for a control, an ultimate power, and an ultimate greed.
Here’s just an insight on how dumb you actually MAY be. (Or just confused on what they are telling you) They said that Obama MAY have a fake birth certificate. Ok: 1. if he does, then WE KNEW ABOUT IT! And here’s WHY, there is NO WAY that the most “elite and intelligent” government consisting of CIA and FBI would EVER NOT do extensive research on a presidential candidate. And if they 2: “missed that part” well, then you should be REEEEEEALLLLLLY suspicious! They didn’t “miss it” they KNEW, it’s for a REASON…OR it’s not true; just another “stunt” to pull to engage you in more of their maze.
Ok, now war....for freedom? We ARE the LAND OF THE FREE!?! Who the f^ck are we fighting against. I’ll tell you, they are having us fight AGAINST our freedom! We HAVE NONE! We have been BRAINWASHED to think we are at the mercy of terrorists, the only terrorism that is going on is by OUR government, terrorizing Americans. Feeding them with LIES and FEAR! Until NOW…until the PEOPLE are figuring it out! STOP fighting AGAINST the people, who are representing YOUR rights that are being stripped from you! EDUCATE yourself on this movement. If you REALLY care and just don't know where to find the information...PLEASE ask me. I am not going to post it in this blog because it is YOUR responsibility to take yourself out of being ignorant to other facts...but I will sure try and help you if you're willing. WAKE THE F^CK UP OR I HOPE 2012 DOES COME AND WIPE OUT SOME OF YOU STUPID ASS PEOPLE who are aiding and abetting the real criminals!!! ...WE MUST STAND UNITED or WE WILL FALL DIVIDED!
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