Self-Healing IS Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing is something we access when we understand how our mind and body work. In the quantum world, there are limitless possibilities. Every and anything exists. Our minds are the most powerful creators of existence. Nothing is true or real unless we make it so. We have the power to fully create our world including jobs, health, friendships, partnerships, and where we live. Our mind will keep us exactly where it believes. In sickness and dis-ease, our mind will put our body in a state that matches those vibrations. When we stress, we create dis-ease in the body. When we smile and laugh, we create healing in the body. The body can only respond to one thing at a time. Is it being healed or harmed by the mind? Our body can only do one of them at a time, be healed, or be harmed. Which will you choose? In the Quantum World, we can access the future and create our destiny. Every thought has a frequency and gets sent out into the universe and a situation will magnetize towar...