We Are Not What Happens to Us, But What We Think.

           Our whole entire reality is based on our experiences, which then create beliefs and thoughts. It has been said that perception is everything, so that means that our perception is clearly an illusion. It’s a perceived conclusion of what we think based on what we think we know, or what has happened to us in our lives thus far. The reason it is an illusion is because someone can experience the same exact thing, and have a completely different reality about it. Why is that? Well, their past will be different, and their relationship to the situation will be different, therefore their perception of it is different. If something can be so different in the same situation, that is where the illusion is created.

Absolutely everything in our lives is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. The Quantum World has proven how thoughts have frequencies and get sent out into the universe and how those frequencies also affect the body. I won’t get too deep into the science part of it, but it was just a mention so people are aware that this phenomenon has been intricately studied and proven. So where does that leave us in our reality? Choices. We have free will of choice. We can choose whatever belief, perception, or reality we want. However, those choices are mostly based on our past experiences. This is also called “our story”. Our story is usually written by others such as family, peers, employers, romantic relationships, and other personal experiences. That is why we are not what happens to us, but how we choose to think about it. Every experience will create a feeling and a belief that surrounds it. Then when something enters our lives, we filter it through a lens based on the past. This is very dangerous and harmful to the soul. This is actually not free will, but slavery: Slavery to our past that keeps us bound and restrained to a certain belief that most likely will not serve our highest self.

When we are born, we have a completely clean slate of what reality and life are. It is only through our environment, or Epigenetics, that we inherit beliefs, values, thoughts, and filters on how we choose to go through life. There is nothing that says we need to hold onto those experiences and our feelings surrounding them, except for the ego. The ego is not friends with the soul. The ego is the “I am”. The soul is “Oneness”, knowingly connected to everything and everyone. The ego keeps us separate from understanding that whatever is, just is. It keeps us isolated from connecting with others. It gives us this belief that we are to be seen and heard a certain way. That creates separation and more illusions. That takes us farther away from understanding our place in this lifetime. We create all these conditions and beliefs about what we think we need to make us happy, or who we need to be with to feel complete. Nothing and no one will ever complete anyone as we are already all connected. So, without truly understanding that concept, we will always be separate and perhaps feel lonely.

There does not have to be an imprinted trauma or belief with everything that happens in our lives. We do not need to hold onto that story attached to the experience. Again, that is enslavement. We keep ourselves slaves to our beliefs. Now, that’s not to say we should not have morals, those are kind of universal. “Be kind. Don’t harm others” etcetera. Those are not beliefs. Those are universal laws. Beliefs and thoughts are what create our reality. Nothing can exist without thought. Nothing. But the illusionary thoughts that we cling to based on what we think should or should not be, will keep us trapped. The only freedom is freeing ourselves from our experiences and binds to the ego of self and “I am” this or that because of this or that. We are our thoughts, not our experiences. I understand that certain traumas can be painful and hard to understand, but that is another post I will make soon, about Karma.

               I just want to bring forth the idea that we are what we choose to be in our minds. Nothing happens to us, it just happens, and we get to choose the experience. It is our response to the experience that makes the experience what it is, rather than the experience itself. Some people will fight this idea to protect themselves, and their ego mind. The part that separates us from everyone else and says things should or should not be a certain way. The ego is extremely self-indulgent. It likes attention and makes excuses about our behaviors and thoughts. It likes to blame others for the way we are instead of taking personal responsibility for choosing the way we are. The way we think. The way we act. And the way we perceive experiences moving forward. There is no moving forward when we are stuck in the past. The past keeps us stuck and does not allow the soul to evolve into the light of consciousness. Consciousness is BEing, not thinking. Being present. Approaching every moment with child eyes. Not having an expectation of an outcome based on perceived past experiences. That is why we are not what happens to us, but how we think. We are our thoughts. We have the power to change them. We have the power to look at things differently and not victimize ourselves along the way. We have the power to create a new reality based on new perceptions. The only way to do this is to surrender.

               I mention surrendering a lot because it is one of the few things that benefit the healing and ascension path. The path to our higher self. The path to newness. The ego always wants control. Always wants to know. Always has an opinion. Always keeps us stuck in the past, of what it only knows. The most beautiful things happen in the unknown. When we assume something will be a certain way because that’s what it was in the past, we will create that repetitively as that has become our reality. When we approach everything as new, with exploration, equanimity, and trust, then we open ourselves up to things we don’t even know exist. That is where the true magic happens. In the unknown. So, it’s important to forget everything we think we know, as we truly know nothing, especially if we think we know.

Happy Healing! ✨🌟✨

Gia Rose

To reach out for help or questions, please fill out my contact form on my website: www.GiovannaRose.com
OR Email: Rise@GiovannaRose.com
Youtube Channels: Frequency FunSam & Gram


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